Email marketing has been a two edged sword. On one side, email marketing is a blessing. It brings your prospects that much closer to your brand and potentially converts them into long lasting paying customers. It is also a curse since so many scrupulous players get a hold of email addresses and start bombarding people with email.

The latter is called spam. While on the short term is effective, it is not building good awareness to brands. In order to be effective through email marketing, the best bet is to have an opt-in method of signing up for newsletters or any correspondence that you have with your prospects and customers.

Never send emails blindly to anyone and hoping your message will stick. In a nutshell, it won’t. In fact, it will even tarnish your brand. Keep your email campaigns tidy and limit to at maximum 3-4 emails a week. Too may emails from you will be a huge turnoff to your customers.

Unless specifically set up by your prospects, send the minimum acceptable amount of emails per week and don’t send notification emails by default. They should always be sent to those who signed up via your opt-in method.

Email marketing campaigns need to send one of two types of styles. HTML and Text.  Use one only, unless the prospect specifically wants both versions. HTML formatted emails should be quick loading and keep in mind users check email over mobile phones most of the time so mobile responsiveness is key. Provide the link URL in its entirety and do not hide behind a label. Email clients do not show the URL status bar much like web browsers, so don’t be deceptive. This goes a long way in making your brand look trustworthy.

By admin

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