A digital content manager is not just for SEO. It provides your company quality content that search engines now look for. Ever since the latest Panda update that Google implemented into their search engine, it is imperative that your page’s content not only matches its URL, but that it is also relevant to the content within.

The positives of this change would be that end users of the search engine will get more chances of finding exactly or really close to what they need.

The part of the URL after your domain name slash is called the slug. This slug needs to be descriptive of the page’s content, not generic either. The more specific the slug, the better the chances of indexing properly by major search engines.

Nesting your URL slugs are also very useful and encouraged. Sub-category pages need to keep the parent page’s URL slug followed by a slash and then it’s sub-category type. Not only does this signal to major search engines that you have related content, but it also adds quality to the end user for them to figure out where they are in regards to your entire web site.

A good digital content manager makes use of providing the best URL slugs and thus forth the best sub URL slugs for your content, whether it be one level deep, two or even three levels deep.

Content management systems such as WordPress or Drupal automatically provide the URL slugs however use them at discretion since these systems are not always perfect. It takes a good manager to sometimes manually edit these slugs to properly match the content within, not just the heading of the page.

This is part of the services that you will receive when you have Bellerose Web Media manage your campaign. Inquire within at www.bellerosewebmedia.com.

By admin

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