We get it! We all do this.

Nashville companies are notorious of this. We all love to brag and post our bright and shiny new job posting. It makes us feel good – like we are doing something good. But why are you really posting your job opportunity? Is it to actually fill a genuine need? Are you finding someone who genuinely can do the work?

Having job postings can be a huge boost toward increasing awareness to your brand and improving the visuals about your company. But it can easily decrease your brand score with the wrong type of awareness. Yes, you have brought people closer to you making them know you exist, which is great. But you need to realize that not properly responding to or following up to candidates is not really a good thing for your brand.

It is not automatic. This economy made it easier for employees to move around and pursue different role at any time. It is no longer a seller’s market, it is a buyer’s market in regards to the employee. This means every time you “ghost” candidates, that potentially makes you lose them to your biggest competitor. On top of that, your branding image suffers. Word of mouth is still the largest source of building corporate brands and trust. Candidates may know enough people who could ripple down to perhaps a client of yours.

By admin

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