Over the past few months, I’ve been making valuable connections with some of the most incredible people all throughout the Hendersonville and Gallatin areas. One thing that stands out is that many businesses in Sumner County are neglecting the need for working with a full-service digital marketing agency.

The reasons that come to mind are:

1. Intangibility – Businesses just don’t feel the need to spend money and invest in these services.

2. Oh I have a web site already – Businesses think just because they have a web site, that means they are done. Owning a web site is not just a one time expense, its a living and breathing part of your entire business entity, especially in this expansive digital world.

3. I need an app instead – Many businesses fall into the trap of wanting to have an app on either Apple or Android devices. They also think that apps are the “end all, be all” of their digital experience. Not so. Think about that for a minute. By having an app, you are beholden to the two largest businesses. What they say goes. Not saying its not their right, but are you prepared in investing your entire business and depending on what other businesses want or don’t want? A web site “decentralizes” you from being beholden to the policies and rules of another company’s ecosystem and opens your client base toward any customer, regardless of what platform they may want.

By admin

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